How far is Polis Latchi Paphos from Larnaca Airport?
The taxi ride from Larnaca Airport to Polis Latchi costs 140 euros each way and includes all fees. The distance is 171 km and the journey takes about 2 hours and 5 minutes. There are no direct bus services between Larnaca Airport and Polis Latchi. Cyprusweb-taxi provide transfer services from Larnaca Airport to Polis Latchi Paphos and return with fixed prices.
Polis Latchi Paphos
The area is ideal for people with special interests who love activities on their holidays. It is suitable for mental, physical relaxation and recreation. Polis Chrysochous offers luxurious hotels, tourist villages, apartments with all the comforts, villas with private pools. Latchi is a small village that is part of the Polis municipality and belong to Paphos district. It has a small harbor well known all over Cyprus for the fresh fish. Daily small cruises start for Akamas. Near the town are the famous Aphrodite baths and a panoramic view of Polis Chrysochous Bay.
How much is a taxi from Larnaca Airport to Polis Latchi Paphos?
The use of the taximeter is mandatory by Law and for all the inland routes and destinations. However, from/to Larnaca & Pafos International Airports the fares are predefined and fixed The same fares apply for weekends and national holidays, additionally all fares includes luggage services as well.