How far is Pissouri from Larnaca Airport?
The taxi drive from Larnaca international Airport to Pissouri Bay is 110Km approximately meaning a journey of 70 min. The fees are 100 Euros single route and includes all charges. There are no direct bus services between Larnaca Airport and Pissouri. Cyprusweb-taxi provide transfer services from Larnaca Airport to Pissouri and return with low cost prices.

The Village Pissouri belongs to the Limassol District and is located in the middle of the route from Limassol to Paphos. The Pissouri combines mountain and sea with all the comforts for a pleasant stay. In the beach area is the Columbia Hotel as well as many tourist accommodation restaurants and tourist shops. Good idea is a short excursion to the archaeological sites of Kourion and Palaipafou.
How much is a taxi from Larnaca Airport to Pissouri?
The use of the taximeter is mandatory by Law and for all the inland routes and destinations. However, from/to Larnaca & Pafos International Airports the fares are predefined and fixed The same fares apply for weekends and national holidays, additionally all fares includes luggage services as well.
Taxi fares from Larnaca Airport to Pissouri
Larnaca Airport to Columbia Beach Resort
4 seater taxi €100
6 seater taxi €130
7-9 seater Minibus €160
Larnaca Airport to Hylatio Tourist Village
4 seater taxi €100
6 seater taxi €130
7-9 seater Minibus €160
Larnaca Airport to Pissouri Village Studios
4 seater taxi €100
6 seater taxi €130
7-9 seater Minibus €160
Larnaca Airport to Ambelones Apartments
4 seater taxi €100
6 seater taxi €130
7-9 seater Minibus €160
Larnaca Airport to Katikies 22
4 seater taxi €100
6 seater taxi €130
7-9 seater Minibus €160