Taxi from Larnaca Airport to Larnaca Bay

Taxi from Larnaca Airport to Larnaca Bay area cost 35 euro and will take 20 minutes journey to get you there. Larnaca Bay is about 24 km away from the Airport and 10 km from the center of Larnaca city. Is the main tourist area and many hotels locate there. Remember if you arrive at night time at Larnaca Airport you can not use busses because this services ends at 23:30. For this reason to hire a taxi is one solution. Our company provide transfers by taxi to and from Larnaca Airport with low fixed prices for 24 hours.


Larnaca Taxi

Taxi services in Larnaca City

In Larnaca, taxis are a convenient way to explore both the city and its surrounding attractions. During the day, you can visit popular spots like the Finikoudes area, the marina bay, the old castle, and the Church of Saint Lazaros. If you’re interested in visiting sites beyond the immediate city center, such as the Larnaca Salt Lake or Hala Sultan Tekke, hiring a taxi is a practical option.
Keep in mind that there is usually a minimum charge for taxi rides in Larnaca, even if the meter indicates a lower fare. It’s advisable to confirm the fare with your driver before starting your trip to avoid any surprises. Enjoy your time in Larnaca!


How much is a taxi from Larnaca Airport to Larnaca Bay?

The use of the taximeter is mandatory by Law and for all the inland routes and destinations. However, from/to Larnaca & Pafos International Airports the fares are predefined and fixed The same fares apply for weekends and national holidays, additionally all fares includes luggage services as well.


Taxi fares from Larnaca Airport to Larnaca Bay
Larnaca Airport to Golden Bay Hotel
4-seater taxi
day time €35
night time €40
Larnaca Airport to Lordos Beach Hotel
4-seater taxi
day time €35
night time €40
Larnaca Airport to Lebay Beach Hotel
4-seater taxi
day time €35
night time €40
Larnaca Airport to Radisson Beach Resort
4-seater taxi
day time €35
night time €40
Larnaca Airport to Robinson Hotel
4-seater taxi
day time €35
night time €40


Note: For hotels located in the tourist area of ​​Larnaca Bay the taxi fares are as above. For hotels within the center of Larnaca the fare is 20 euros for a 4-seater vehicle